2024 panel 2

2024 Events Schedule


Schedule is subject to change.


Welcome - Rosemary Tyrrell, Director of Faculty Development, UC Riverside School of Medicine

Allyship Panel - 


Keynote Speaker - Deena McRae, MD - Associate Vice President for Academic Health Sciences at UC Health

Turning the Tide: Elevating Women Physicians of Color through Inclusive Innovation
Dr. McRae will discuss the current climate and unique challenges faced by women physicians of color with an exploration of effective approaches to create an inclusive and supportive environment. An overview of research conducted on the wellbeing and career satisfaction of women physicians of color will be presented, which includes data-driven strategies to recruit, retain, and elevate this important group of clinicians. This will be followed by a panel of physicians at different points in their training who will describe their own personal experiences and perspectives, as well as provide guidance on how to persevere, thrive, and flourish in the medical profession. Attendees will leave equipped with actionable steps to advocate for and empower future generations of diverse women physicians, driving meaningful and impactful change in the medical field.

Q & A session to follow.